McStas logo McStas - A neutron ray-trace simulation package ILL; PSI; ESS Niels Bohr Institute DTU Physics NEXMAP


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McStas - A neutron ray-trace simulation package

McStas is a general tool for simulating neutron scattering instruments and experiments. It is actively supported by DTU Physics, NBI KU, ESS, PSI and ILL

Simulated scattering from a hollow-cylinder vanadium sample.

The plot shows the intensity of scattered neutrons (red is highest intensity). The sample is at the center of the sphere with the neutron beam coming from the left. Clearly seen is the shadowing effect of the sample causing a lower intensity opposite the beam. Also seen is the effect of the non-symmetric geometry of the sample, causing lower intensity directly above and to the side of the sample.

Recent news

Migrating from McStas 2.x to 3.x? - Use the wiki-based guides

February 19th, 2025: McStas and McXtrace 3.5.24 released

Dear all,
McStas and McXtrace release 3.5.24 is now available - McStas installation instructons
on GitHub .

What's Changed

Important note

  • McStas and McXtrace will soon change organisation-name on GitHub - from McStasMcXtrace -> mccode-dev

User interfaces and tools

Components and instruments

Core simulation toolkit

Interfaces and interoperability with other codes



  • Thanks to @g5t for ping-pong on this :)
  • [Feature] mccode-antlr is an alternative code-generator for McStas and McXtrace - a new development by @g5t and based on ANTLR instead of lex/yacc. The new tool is mainly written in python and thus has a lower barrier for changes in language syntax and code generation. The tool implementations mcstas-antlr and mcxtrace-antlr are thus a candidate implementations to potentially replace the classic mcstas and mcxtrace code generators in the future. Current status is that
    • McStas: mcstas-antlr is fully feature complete wrt. mcstas for CPU simulations and close to complete for GPU simulations
    • McXtrace: Not all instruments will compile using mcxtrace-antlr but basic functionality is in place
    • To try:
      1. Install mccode-antlr from conda-forge or via pip
      2. Adapt your configuration to use e.g. mcstas-antlr by
        • Setting the new --cogen=mcstas-antlr option in mcrun
        • Enable or edit the MCCOGEN field of mccode_config.json using the new Save/Edit configuration in mcgui
        • (The antlr tools default to download comps etc. to an internal cache: Add e.g. -I${MCSTAS} to prefer ingredients fromyour local library)
      3. Use the mcrun-antlr/mxrun-antlr tools provided directly by mccode-antlr

Platform support

  • Debian/Ubuntu
  • Windows
    • [Feature] NCrystal is now available with McStas on Windows
    • [Info] Windows via cross-compiled .exeinstaller from Please place the MCPL-related .bat files from the extras folder in e.g. c:\mcstas-3.5.24\bin to enable MCPL (May require giving your user 'full access' permissions to the bin folder)
    • [Info] Windows via conda-forge: MCPL is not yet available but expected during the spring

Full Changelog:

January 8th, 2025: Monte Carlo Satellite to ICNS2025

Dear all,

The ICNS2025 conference is taking place in Copenhagen and Lund this summer, and the abstract submission is closing January 15th - in one week.

Of special interest to McStas users:
A satellite event is being planned for July 11th, arranged by Mads Bertelsen, ESS and Peter Willendrup DTU/ESS. We envision a one-day event with contributed talks on instrument simulation and its use, abstract submission will open soon:

Advanced computer simulations methods for neutron scattering instruments

Neutron scattering relies heavily on computer simulations of neutron scattering instrumentation to optimize their performance. These simulation tools are also evolving to be more relevant for a running facility, aiding in both preparation and analysis for individual experiments. It is even becoming possible to make better decisions during experiments by running simulations in parallel.

All the best and hope to see you this summer in Copenhagen,
Peter Willendrup

Previous news items: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021,2020,2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998.

Last Modified: Thursday, 20-Feb-2025 18:48:02 CET
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