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The templateTAS Instrument

Template RESCAL type triple-axis machine (TAS)



This instrument is a simple model of triple-axis spectrometer.
It is directly illuminated by the moderator,
and has curved monochromator and analyzer.
Sample can be specified as a powder, liquid/amorphous or a pure incoherent
scatterer (e.g. vanadium, which is the default).
Sample geometry can be spherical or cylindrical.
For PG002 monochromator/analyzer setting, a reflectivity curve vs. wavelength
is used, else reflectivity is set to 70 %. To suppress collimators, set their
divergence to 0 (ALFn BETn).
Default instrument geometry is from IN20@ILL with PG monochromator/analyzer.

Monochromator lattice parameter
PG       002 DM=3.355 AA (Highly Oriented Pyrolythic Graphite)
PG       004 DM=1.607 AA
Heusler  111 DM=3.362 AA (Cu2MnAl)
CoFe         DM=1.771 AA (Co0.92Fe0.08)
Ge       111 DM=3.266 AA
Ge       311 DM=1.714 AA
Ge       511 DM=1.089 AA
Ge       533 DM=0.863 AA
Si       111 DM=3.135 AA
Cu       111 DM=2.087 AA
Cu       002 DM=1.807 AA
Cu       220 DM=1.278 AA
Cu       111 DM=2.095 AA

IN22 configuration (at H25 thermal m=2 guide end):
KI=3.84, QM=1.0, EN=0.0, verbose=1,
WM=0.15, HM=0.12,    NHM=1, NVM=9, RMV=-1,
WA=0.20, HA=0.10,  NHA=11, NVA=3, RAV=-1, RAH=-1,
SM=-1, SS=1, SA=-1,
L1=10.0, L2=1.7, L3=1.0, L4=0.8

IN8 Configuration: with Copper optics
KF=5, KI=0, QM=0.5, EN=5, verbose=1
WM=0.23, HM=0.19, RMH=-1, RMV=-1, DM=1.807, NHM=15, NVM=15,
WA=0.16, HA=0.08, RAH=-1, RAV=-1, DA=2.087, NHA=15, NVA=15,

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
KIAngs-1Incoming neutron wavevector2.662
KFAngs-1Outgoing neutron wavevector0
EImeVIncoming neutron energy0
EFmeVOutgoing neutron energy0
QHrluMeasurement QH position in crystal0
QKrluMeasurement QK position in crystal0
QLrluMeasurement QL position in crystal0
ENmeVEnergy transfer in crystal0
QMAngs-1Wavevector transfer in crystal0
KFIXAngs-1Fixed KI or KF value for Rescal compatibility0
FX1:KI,2:KFFixed KI or KF type for Rescal compatibility0
L1mSource-Monochromator distance. Contains 1st Collimator of length 5.349
L2mMonochromator-Sample distance. Contains 2nd Collimator of length 0.352.1
L3mSample-Analyzer distance. Contains 3rd Collimator of length 0.401.5
L4mAnalyzer-detector distance. Contains 4th Collimator of length 0.240.7
SM1:left, -1:rightScattering sense of beam from Monochromator1
SS1:left, -1:rightScattering sense of beam from Sample-1
SA1:left, -1:rightScattering sense of beam from Analyzer1
DMAngsMonochromator d-spacing3.3539
DAAngsAnalyzer d-spacing3.3539
RMVmMonochromator vertical curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting-1
RMHmMonochromator horizontal curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting0
RAVmAnalyzer vertical curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting0
RAHmAnalyzer horizontal curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting-1
ETAMarc minMonochromator mosaic30
ETAAarc minAnalyzer mosaic30
ALF1arc minHorizontal collimation from Source to Monochromator60
ALF2arc minHorizontal collimation from Monochromator to Sample A60
ALF3arc minHorizontal collimation from Sample to Analyzer60
ALF4arc minHorizontal collimation from Analyzer to Detector60
BET1arc minVertical collimation from Source to Monochromator120
BET2arc minVertical collimation from Monochromator to Sample A120
BET3arc minVertical collimation from Sample to Analyzer120
BET4arc minVertical collimation from Analyzer to Detector120
ASAngsSample lattice parameter A6.28
BSAngsSample lattice parameter B6.28
CSAngsSample lattice parameter C6.28
AAdegAngle between lattice vectors B,C90
BBdegAngle between lattice vectors C,A90
CCdegAngle between lattice vectors A,B90
AXrluFirst reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, X1
AYrluFirst reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, Y0
AZrluFirst reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, Z0
BXrluSecond reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, X0
BYrluSecond reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, Y1
BZrluSecond reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, Z0
verbose1print TAS configuration. 0 to be quiet1
A1degMonohromator rotation angle0
A2degMonohromator take-off angle0
A3degSample rotation angle0
A4degSample take-off angle0
A5degAnalyzer rotation angle0
A6degAnalyzer take-off angle0
NHM1Number of horizontal slabs composing the monochromator1
NVM1Number of vertical slabs composing the monochromator9
WMmWidth of monochromator0.10
HMmHeight of monochromator0.12
NHA1Number of horizontal slabs composing the analyzer9
NVA1Number of vertical slabs composing the analyzer1
WAmWidth of analyzer0.10
HAmHeight of analyzer0.12
Sqw_cohstrsample coherent S(q,w) file name. Use LAZ/LAU or SQW file"NULL"
Sqw_incstrsample incoherent S(q,w) file name. Use NULL to scatter incoherently"NULL"
radiusmouter radius of sample hollow cylinder/sphere0.01
thicknessmthickness of sample hollow cylinder. 0 for bulk0.005
heightmsample height. Use 0 for a spherical shape0.05


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Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36