[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The ILL_H53_IN14 Instrument

IN14 cold triple-axis machine (TAS) on guide H53 with sample



IN14 is a high flux cold neutron three-axis spectrometer situated on a straight
58Ni coated guide looking at the horizontal cold source. IN14 is equipped with
a vertically curved (002) pyrolytic graphite monochromator. A polarising bender
can be inserted after the monochromator, for polarised neutron work.

The sample, analyser and detector units are mounted on standard Tanzboden
modules and the distance between these units may be changed if necessary. For
sample positioning, two motorized arcs (+/- 20deg), and two horizontal
translation tables (+/- 10 mm) are available. Soller collimators can be easily
inserted before and after the sample, and before the detector.

Three horizontally focusing analysers are available: (002) pyrolytic graphite,
bent Si(111), and Heusler (111) for polarised neutrons.

In this TAS configuration, PG002 is used as monochromator analyser,
with a single type detector.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
KIAngs-1central wavevector for incoming neutrons1.55
QMAngs-1wavevector transfer modulus at the sample1.0
ENmeVenergy transfer at the sample0.0
verbosetoggle verbose mode1
WMmWidth of monochromator0.15
HMmHeight of monochromator0.12
NHM1Number of vertical slabs composing the monochromator1
NVM1Number of horizontal slabs composing the monochromator9
RMVmMonochromator vertical curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting-1
WAmWidth of analyzer0.20
HAmHeight of analyzer0.10
NHA1Number of horizontal slabs composing the analyzer11
NVA1Number of vertical slabs composing the analyzer1
RAVmAnalyzer vertical curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting0
RAHmAnalyzer horizontal curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting-1
DAAAAnalyzer lattice spacing3.355
SM1:left, -1:rightScattering sense of beam from Monochromator1
SS1:left, -1:rightScattering sense of beam from Sample-1
SA1:left, -1:rightScattering sense of beam from Analyzer1
L1mSource-Monochromator distance. Contains 1st Collimator7.0
L2mMonochromator-Sample distance. Contains 2nd Collimator2.12
L3mSample-Analyzer distance. Contains 3rd Collimator1.37
L4mAnalyzer-detector distance. Contains 4th Collimator0.7


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36