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McStas: Test_Sources

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The Test_Sources Instrument

A test instrument to compare sources


  • Site: Tests_optics
  • Author: FARHI Emmanuel (
  • Origin: ILL
  • Date: Aug 3, 2008


A test instrument to compare sources and check they provide the valid
sprectrum and intensity. It shows that the first 4 flat sources are equivalent,
the 2 Maxwellian sources as well.

WARNING: Result of test no. 1 for Source_adapt.comp is not correct if MPI is used, as
that source component does not support MPI.

Example: source=1 Detector: m1_I=9.97273e+11

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
source1selection of the source to use in 1=Source_adapt, 2=Source_div, 3=Source_simple, 4=Source_gen (simple), 5=Source_gen, 6=Source_Maxwell_3, 7=ESS_butterfly, 8=Moderator0
LminAAMinimum wavelength produced at source1
LmaxAAMaximum wavelength produced at source11


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36

Last Modified: Thursday, 16-May-2024 15:56:12 CEST
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