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McStas: SNS_ARCS_Mantid

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The SNS_ARCS_Mantid Instrument

Model of the ARCS spectrometer from SNS with Mantid support.


  • Site: Mantid
  • Author: G. Granroth
  • Origin: SNS
  • Date: Nov 2014


When using this ARCS instrument model, please reference
  • Granroth, G. E. and Abernathy, D. L., "Performance Comparisons of Four Direct Geometry Spectrometers Planned for Spallation Neutron Source", Proceedings of ICANS-XVI, 289 (2003).
  • D. L. Abernathy, M. B. Stone, M. J. Loguillo, M. S. Lucas, O. Delaire, X.Tang, J. Y. Y. Lin, and B. Fultz,"Design and operation of the wide angular-range chopper spectrometer ARCS at the Spallation Neutron Source", Review of Scientific Instruments, 83 , 015114 (2012)

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
Fermi_nuHzFrequency of the Fermi chopper420
T0_nuHzFrequency of the T0 chopper90
nradmRadius of the Fermi chopper blades0.58
nchans1Number of channels in the Fermi chopper40
EdesmeVDesired/target energy50
EtmeVEnergy transfer of the Spot_sample25
tthetadegScattering angle of the Spot_sample25
sxminmSample slit horz min value-0.04
sxmaxmSample slit horz max value0.04
syminmSample slit vert min value-0.04
symaxmSample slit vert max value0.04
run_num1Virtual source run number (unused at present)1


  • Source code for SNS_ARCS_Mantid.instr.

  • Granroth, G. E. and Abernathy, D. L., "Performance Comparisons of Four Direct Geometry Spectrometers Planned for Spallation Neutron Source", Proceedings of ICANS-XVI, 289 (2003).

  • D. L. Abernathy, M. B. Stone, M. J. Loguillo, M. S. Lucas, O. Delaire, X.Tang, J. Y. Y. Lin, and B. Fultz,"Design and operation of the wide angular-range chopper spectrometer ARCS at the Spallation Neutron Source", Review of Scientific Instruments, 83 , 015114 (2012)

[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36

Last Modified: Thursday, 16-May-2024 15:56:12 CEST
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